(10) Kobe, taxes, and hills: the golf courses of Hyogo Prefecture ゴルフ場利用税堅持のための全国市町村連盟

the tokyo files 東京ファイル

The Kobe Golf Club 神戸ゴルフ倶楽部, built in 1903, is the first golf course in Japan, and still operates today. Perched approximately 931 meters[1] above sea level, the club’s location is a reminder of how the physical development of Kobe is greatly influenced by the steep hills pinning the city against the ocean.

Source: http://www.kobegc.or.jp/history/history_2.html

Here are some pictures from Venus Bridge 神戸ヴィーナスブリッジ (map), which give an impression of how quickly the flats of Kobe Harbor rise away from the ocean.

Further uphill from Venus Bridge (and to the west) is Kobe Golf Club (map), from which the harbor can be viewed from the clubhouse porch:

Golf, golf, and more golf

For better or for worse, Hyogo Prefecture, of which Kobe is the capital, is home to an impressive concentration of golf courses, particularly in the hills north and northwest of the city. On Google Earth, the golf courses look…

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